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Complaints Procedure

At Greyfriars we will always act in good faith in the best interests of students, their learning and the learning of others. We recognise that students, parents and carers may at times have worries or concerns about an area of school life. The school welcomes and encourages all members of our community to communicate concerns at the earliest opportunity, in order that we may attend to and resolve the matter as swiftly as possible.

Most complaints are best dealt with informally with the first point of contact for parents and carers being your child’s tutor (or a message can be left at main reception and this will be directed to the relevant tutor).  Serious issues should be directed to the Year Leader or relevant Pastoral Manager.   

Greyfriars will give careful consideration to all complaints and deal with them fairly and honestly.  We will provide sufficient opportunity for any complaint to be fully discussed and aim to resolve it through open dialogue and mutual understanding.

If you feel that your concern has not been addressed through discussion with the Form Tutor and / or the Year Leader, or if your concern is of a sufficiently serious nature, please make an appointment to discuss it with the Headteacher.  The Headteacher considers any such complaint very seriously and most issues can be resolved at this stage.