Year 7 Applications
To apply for a school place for the usual transfer age i.e. transferring to Year 7, please apply via:
Oxfordshire County Council Website.
Click here for Information in Polish on applying to Catholic Schools in Oxfordshire.
In addition to applying through the County Council, the school requests that all Year 6 students applying to St Gregory the Great complete our 'Supplementary Information Form' (see below).
In-year Admissions Years 7 to 11
As part of the co-ordinated scheme, parents/carers are required to complete the following:
- The Local Education Authority’s ‘Mid-Year or Common Application Form (CAPF)', which can be downloaded from their website. Once completed this must be uploaded via the council website or returned to the address shown on the form. Alternatively, you may contact the Local Education Authority on 01865 815175 for an application form.
- Greyfriars Catholic School Supplementary Form for In-Year Admissions (see below) which can be posted or emailed to Greyfriars Catholic School.
Upon successful completion of the CAPF and the Supplementary Form, your application will be put forward to the Governing body. As this is a voluntary aided school, we have our own admissions policy and the governors are responsible for overseeing this process. Applications at the school are administered by Mrs Merralls.
Prospective parents and students are welcome to tour the school and an appointment should be made via Mrs Merralls.
Sixth Form Admissions
To apply for a place in the Sixth Form, please go to Join our Sixth Form.
For information relating to the school's SEND provision, please click here.