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Transition from Year 6

We are delighted to welcome you to Greyfriars Catholic School and are very excited about your secondary school journey with us starting in September.   Our mission is to know our students well, to teach great lessons and to be ambitious and care for everyone.  We endeavour to ensure that every student is fully equipped for their post-16 studies and beyond.

At Greyfriars we have dedicated and passionate staff who are ambitious for all of our students, an inclusive learning environment to meet the needs of all of our students, thriving students who are happy and healthy and a creative and fun curriculum for learning and broadening and deepening knowledge.  We pride ourselves on our excellent and caring pastoral system.  Every student has a tutor who is their key worker, a year leader and also a pastoral manager who is a non-teaching member of staff and therefore, readily available to students for support when it is needed.

It can be a big change to join a new school and so we are pleased to invite you to get to know us before you arrive through the Year 7 transition days.  For some of you it may be a new experience to be in a Catholic school so please ask any questions.  Hopefully, you will be joining us on our camping trip in September as this is another opportunity to get to know people in your year group.  

You will all receive a transition pack full of lots of useful information for September. However, if you have any questions in the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact the school. 

Otherwise, I am really looking forward to meeting and welcoming your families to Greyfriars in September.

Ms Lyndsey Caldwell